Thursday, September 11, 2008


A picture of Bob Riley at an ACCESS Conference

The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide (ACCESS) plan is an excellent idea. In a few years if you don't know how to access a computer you will be behind, not only in school, but in society. The world is evolving around Computer Technology. In order to be prepare, ACCESS is going to be very helpful learning tool. As I mentioned before, I am computer illiterate. Any help to assist me in blending computers into my cirriculum is a good thing. This will provide a high quality teaching style to my students and actually enhance their computer skills.

From my understanding of ACCESS, it provides remediation and supplemental supplies to assist Alabama certified teachers. Certifying these teachers in dual and advanced courses will in deed help the students. Access also provides additional online computer courses for teachers to complete in their spare time. Engaging this computer courses will introduce multimedia and technology tools to enhance instruction. It would be much better to teach a lesson from a power point instead of the "old fashion" way, writing on the chalk board.

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Great. You are doing well. Keep up the good work.