Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Growth" vs. "Fixed" Mindsets

"Growth" vs. "Fixed" Mindsets is a pod cast created by Psychologist Carol Dweck, a professor from Sanford University. This pod cast discussed the mindsets of our youth. Children can be so much fun, in that, many perceptions they have created are priceless. Many children believe in the word “can’t”. “I can’t do this, I can’t do that.” I think it is just so hard for a young minds to understand that they possess the power of their destiny. They are just use to someone telling them what to do and how to do it, they do not think freedom is an option. The “fixed” mind concept is the belief that they are intelligent and they feel smart even if they are not. I will forecast this message to my students by setting high expectations but most importantly provide the "growth" mind concept to allow them to feel smart and actually be smart at the same time.

The “growth” mindset believes the sky is the limit and will not allow anyone to hold them back or tell them that “can’t” regardless of the effort to achieve it. I believe I am a “growth” mindsetter. I will become an efective teacher and secceed in my career regardless of what anyone has to say. All it takes is dedication and determination.

There was a workshop conducted to validate the debate between controlled brain knowledge with “growth” study skills and just study skills. The teachers were able to tell the students that were exposed to the workshop with “growth” study skills by their academic achievement in the classroom after the study.

I loved the way the speaker related all this information to other topics for better understanding. That is what is so great about my experiences with pod casts. The speakers for the most part are very thorough and informative. I cannot wait to utilize pod casts in my classroom.

Click here to view it on Youtube


Ms. Bridget said...

You say I'm a nerd, look at the graphics, that just screams NERD! Looks good girl, keep it up.

Jennifer Averitt said...

Excellent. I agree with Bridget, nice job on the graphics. Now, can you make the ADA accessible????