Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A picture of Randy Pausch during his last lectureA picture of Randy Pausch during his last lectureA picture of Randy Pausch during his last lecture

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was very entertaining and motivational. All college students need to hear his speech; it covered all the highlights and struggles of life. I learned many things throughout his speech that will encourage me to never give up, remember where you came from to appreciate where you're going, and "we can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." There were so many inspirational things mentioned in this video. The things I learned to help assist my students in their endeavors were always providing them with high expectations, sale a fun-filled education, and believe in my students.

When Pausch said "never give up", I felt he was talking directly to me. I have been so stressed out lately and needed a boost. His speech made one thing very clear, "don't complain, just work harder". He said "be good at something, makes you valuable." I believe I will be a great teacher. I like to help others, I self-reflect, and I want to enable my childhood dreams as well as others. He mentioned it is great to have childhood dreams; "childhood dreams are unlimited." We, prospective teachers, need to understand that we will become "dream keepers". It is our duty to instill in our students the fundamental basics and "power of enthusiasm" for education and life skills.

We, as educators must learn to continuously believe in our students. Our students are good at something; it's up to us to found out what that something is. We must make school an essential learning environment as well as fun. Who says education has to be boring? Our children believe we will provide a quality education, so lets give to them. When the students do well, make sure you display their work for the world to see. Provide the students with freedom to be creative and responsive.

We must be patient, helpful, and loyally dedicated. "Loyalty is a two-way street." If you provide your students with effective teaching, they with produce effective grades. Focus on your students’ education and not your career or your paycheck. If teaching becomes to challenging always know help is a good thing. "Brick walls are there for a reason, to stop those who don't really want it bad enough." I will adhere to all the advice from this video, I know it will make me a better person all around.


Jennifer Averitt said...

EXCELLENT! I loved the way you summarized the inspirational aspect of Randy's speech. I believe that it is the goal and responsibility of all teachers, whether elementary, secondary, or high education to motivate our students to learn. It can be difficult, especially when you see students "not getting it". We just have to do the best we can and hope for the best.

Jill said...

Yes I agree I think every college student should listen or see this lecture at least once, if not everyday to remind us how important life is.